At the dawn of the year 2009, one would not be withdrawing from the bank of ignorance, if one asserts that the actions, comportment and allegiance of Nigerian police is still rooted in the colonial metaphysic. As reiterated in one of my essays, (The ontology of Police dysfunctionality in Nigeria) the Nigerian Police was formed to fight against the enemies and opponents of the colonial ...
And Racism became King
Those were the days. It was in the final days. And those days were pregnant. History has seen such days before. They were days before catastrophe makes a landfall. They were ominous days. Days, filled with portents. Signs and omens battled for places in our sun. Seers of all shades, saw tomorrow. Oracles of all persuasions, received premonitions. Voices of various wildernesses, writhed in ...
Operation “Throw My Shoe at Nigerian Looters”
Operation “Throw My Shoe at Nigerian Looters”The Nigerian socio-political space is now a socio-pathological “Absurdistan”; an iniquitous amphitheatre, dedicated to the atrocious eroticization of political stupidity. This arena has degenerated into an essential arena where hopeless ignorance meets primeval greed. The leadership is not only intellectually challenged, irredeemably myopic and ...
Zimbabwe is being murdered: Critiquing the Journalist
Mr. Bob Herbert writing in the New York Times of 16th January 2009, submitted an opinion article titled “Zimbabwe is Dying” . That article was a brilliant enterprise. It was very brilliant in the way it repackaged the unexamined narrative presently making waves in the metropolitan conceptual schemes, as the truth of the Zimbabwean situation...
Where the Allegiance of the Nigerian Police lies
At the dawn of the year 2009, one would not be withdrawing from the bank of ignorance, if one asserts that the actions, comportment and allegiance of Nigerian police is still rooted in the colonial metaphysic. As reiterated in one of my essays, (The ontology of Police dysfunctionality in Nigeria) the Nigerian Police was formed to fight against the enemies and opponents of the colonial ...
The Ontology of Police Dysfunctionality in Nigeria
In George Orwell’s classic satire, Animal Farm; Napoleon crowned his usurpation of absolute power by deploying the “armed forces” of the dogs, whose allegiance he conscripted and deployed to the service of his impious ends. The Orwellian satirical mimicry of the extravagant falsehood, which communism perpetrates; hiding under revolutionary robes may not be exclusively resident in communism as an ...
Africa and Democracy
We have seen the theoretical promises of democracy. But to confront African problems with alien conceptual schemes has not availed much in terms of concrete, actionable results. The conclusions have long approved themselves that vivisecting Nigerian problems with theories is really a blind approach. The safest path has always remained viewing the problem without prefabricated prejudices or ...
The Promises of Democracy
In a democracies liberty blossoms! Liberty constitutes the richest humus for the nobility, creativity, industry and enterprise of the human person to gain pre-eminence. To this end, social progress and economic empowerment have greeted the democratic enterprise of many nations. Most other systems of government entertain ontological proclivities to tyranny; and readily repulse the human spirit. ...
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